Change Management

The Four Observed Ps of Health Influencers

I celebrated my eighth year with HIMSS in October 2019. Looking back, I felt an undeniable sense of gratitude that was not only rooted in work accomplished and connections made but also how the combination of both empowered me to discover my purpose and look ahead.

In those years, I have had the unique opportunity to observe and measure how influence manifests in the growth of health leaders’ digital footprints—via conference stages, networking events, social media, content creation, media engagements, etc.

The healthcare community has a wealth of changemakers, but those who have an exceptional reputation in the digital space excel by living in the nexus of these four areas: passion, purpose, perspective and persistence.


A powerful calling motivated by a defining life experience and a deep desire to share the meaning of that experience drives health influencers. This passion often stems from experiences overcoming an illness, serving as a caregiver, overcoming injustice, bridging disparities and/or an intense drive to help others.


Passion crystalizes in to purpose, enveloping their lives’ work, their advocacy, their service and their philosophies on how they live and treat others. Every observed behavior maps back to their passion—often keeping them motivated and focused to do the unglamorous, intense and sometimes thankless work they do.


Health influencers’ tireless pursuit of their purpose helps them refine a unique, powerful, simplified perspective that others find inspiring and empowering. Their ability to make complex health challenges accessible is in and of itself a boon to their innovative spirit.


Health influencers show up. Their tenacity is core to who they are and they channel that energy into content, conversations, social media, and squeezing the most out of every moment in every room they’re in—all in service of their purpose. 

The HIMSS Digital Influencers are among those who notably exhibit these traits in their daily work and their vision for a brighter future for health and wellness. Here’s a glimpse into the essence of the HIMSS Digital Influencers.



The HIMSS Digital Influencer program’s theme is #BeTheChange. Reflective of our health influencers’ commitment to being changemakers in health and wellness, the theme also inspires global health citizens to make a difference in their own way.

Follow HIMSS and #BeTheChange on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram.